The following 201 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

action   Actions   allows   Although   although   an   and   around   at   Attach   attachments   attributes   automatically   avoided   backticks   Basics   Be   be   beginning   break   bugs   bullet   But   but   button   by   called   Camel   can   cannot   capital   careful   Case   class   color   coloured   comes   detected   does   don   easier   edit   editing   Editor   editor   effect   either   elements   entities   except   exclamation   Exclamation   Explorer   Features   File   Firefox   for   formats   formatted   formatting   formattings   further   get   good   Graphical   headings   Help   hit   horizontal   icons   id   ignored   images   in   In   information   inlined   integration   internally   into   items   itself   just   layout   least   left   legal   letter   lines   link   links   list   listing   lists   Macros   mark   marks   meaning   most   Mozilla   much   name   Netscape   new   No   no   non   number   numbered   of   often   On   one   only   or   own   page   paste   plain   possible   prepending   pressed   Preview   preview   quite   quotes   quoting   Raw   raw   recognize   recognized   rendered   represented   requires   restriction   restrictions   running   safe   save   Save   see   setting   several   show   Show   simply   single   some   soon   special   Special   starting   still   style   supported   surrounding   tables   text   Text   than   that   The   the   them   There   These   these   they   They   thickness   this   to   To   together   too   translated   trivial   turned   two   type   underlined   underscores   Use   used   uses   Using   viewed   when   while   will   with   within   word   words   work   works   written   yellow   You   you   your  

Clear message


MoinMoin 1.5 comes with a GUI editor. It requires Firefox (1.0+), Mozilla (1.3+), Netscape (7+) or Internet Explorer (5.5+). GUI editor integration is quite new, non-trivial code and still has bugs. Be careful and safe often.

Although the GUI editor is an HTML editor running in your browser the wiki itself does not work with HTML internally, but uses a special markup called "wiki markup" - it can be viewed with the "Show Raw Text" action or while editing with the text editor. The wiki markup is much easier to edit than raw HTML, but has several restrictions:

The editor only allows legal formattings but it is possible to get around this restriction with copy and paste. As the HTML has to be translated to wiki markup this don't do any good. As soon as non supported formatting is translated to wiki markup it will either break or be ignored.


In the wiki markup CamelCase words (at least two word with one capital letter at the beginning written together) are automatically turned into a link to a wiki page of that name. In the Graphical Editor this works, too. To get the CamelCase links detected hit the preview button or simply save the page. CamelCase can be avoided by prepending an exclamation mark.

Using wiki markup within the GUI editor

Special elements

There are some elements in the MoinMoin markup that cannot be represented as own HTML entities in the editor. These are left as plain text. They are coloured yellow in the editor to show you that they have special meaning. These elements are:

The yellow is for your information only and has no further effect. You can just type in these items as plain text although the editor does not recognize them as special and does not color them for you. But when the page is rendered after you pressed Save or Preview these items are recognized.

Features not supported within the Graphical Editor

HelpOnGraphicalEditor (last modified 2007-04-01 02:20:37)