The following 61 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

above   an   and   be   bin   but   command   define   defined   dir   environment   environmental   etc   exit   export   file   following   follows   from   getting   guess   help   holding   if   in   installed   just   line   main   meme   message   must   no   Normally   now   options   pace   parameters   path   printed   program   quit   run   runs   set   sh   So   the   this   to   tried   trying   variable   was   where   While   with   wold   would   You   you  

Clear message

While trying to run MEME I was getting an error:

You must define environment variable MEME_DIRECTORY

I could run the program from the command line with no options, and it wold print the help message and exit, but if I tried to run it with any parameters, it printed the message above and quit.

So I defined the environmental variable as follows:


and now the program runs. I guess you just have to set the variable to the pace where meme is installed, not the bin dir holding the program, but the main meme dir just above it.

Normally this would be set in the following file: /path/to/meme/etc/

MEME (last edited 2011-09-09 15:03:49 by ChrisSeidel)