The following 198 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

about   affects   Although   always   and   anymore   anything   Apache   appears   applets   application   Assuming   be   behavior   being   below   between   bin   build   but   by   call   called   calls   can   changing   classic   common   configure   Configuring   confusing   constructed   crashed   dash   days   decsribed   default   Depending   dir   directive   directives   distinguish   docs   don   each   Electric   else   Engine   evaluations   everythign   exit   figure   file   find   following   for   from   getting   had   handed   hands   happens   home   how   However   htaccess   httpd   Hurricane   if   If   ignore   imaginary   in   In   install   Install   instead   last   left   like   locally   location   look   Ls   make   matches   means   mod   modern   most   moving   My   name   natural   needs   nice   nothing   of   off   on   one   only   or   other   out   page   pages   part   Path   people   Place   place   placing   point   prefix   Problem   problem   properties   public   put   Python   re   reason   reference   referred   request   Request   required   Rewrite   rewrite   rightsidebar   root   Rule   rules   says   scenario   script   see   seem   serve   several   sheets   Since   since   So   so   solution   Solution   solved   some   something   somewhere   static   stuff   style   than   that   The   the   then   there   thing   This   this   Thus   to   To   too   tried   Tweaks   type   use   user   users   version   want   was   were   what   when   Whereas   whereever   which   while   why   will   with   within   Words   work   would   write   written   You   you   Your   your   yoursite  

Clear message

Tweaks for getting MoinMoin to work on Hurricane Electric

Problem: You want to install a wiki but you don't have root access to Apache or the required version of Python. However, you can use .htaccess to configure CGI or mod_rewrite.


  1. Install Python locally (use prefix=/home/user/yourPythonPlace)
  2. Install MoinMoin (use prefix=/home/user/yourPythonPlace)

  3. Depending on what/how you call your wiki and how you want the URLs to look, see below:

First off, it's natural to make a directory within your public_html dir called: wiki, and then want to serve your wiki from there. The default behavior of moinmoin appears to reference the moin.cgi script within URL calls to the wiki. So if you have wiki page about MyFoo, the url would look something like:

Whereas, the URL most people would like to use is:

I tried for several days to figure out how to use mod_rewrite to rewrite the URLs so that users would not see the reference to moin.cgi. Since I can do CGI in the wiki directory, I had left the moin.cgi script in the wiki directory, instead of placing it in cgi-bin. Although I could re-write URLs, for some reason the moin.cgi script always crashed if it was in the wiki directory from which the URLs were being re-written. However, moving it somewhere else solved the problem. In the end, the only solution I could find was to put moin.cgi somewhere other than the wiki directory, and re-write URLs to reference it in that other location. The following .htaccess directives to mod_rewrite seem to work:

Configuring mod_rewrite for nice URLs

Assuming your wiki is in the directory /wiki, you would make a .htaccess file with the following directives and place it in that directory.

RewriteEngine on
# skip refereces to real directories with stuff in them
RewriteRule ^/?classic/ - [last]
RewriteRule ^/?common/ - [last]
RewriteRule ^/?modern/ - [last]
RewriteRule ^/?applets/ - [last]
RewriteRule ^/?rightsidebar/ - [last]
# By default, everything else is an argument to moin.cgi
# so match WikiWords and arguments and hand them to moin.cgi
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ ../YourPathTo/moin.cgi/$1 [type=application/x-httpd-cgi] 

The dash in the RewriteRule means: do nothing. The [last] directive means don't do anymore evaluations if this one matches. So each of the first 5 rules says, "if the URL matches something in this directory, do nothing and exit."

The confusing thing about this scenario is that the style sheets and other stuff for the wiki are in the /wiki directory, so why can't moin.cgi be there too? However, since it's not there, and anything in the URL after the /wiki part needs to be handed to moin.cgi, you have to distinguish between the static stuff that IS there and the imaginary WikiWords that moin.cgi will build pages about. Thus the first 5 re-write rules ignore URLs that point to the static stuff that is in the wiki directory, while the last RewriteRule hands everythign else to moin.cgi (whereever it happens to be). If you re-write the URLs you also have to configure the moin.cgi script as decsribed in the MoinMoin docs by changing request = RequestCGI() to:

request = RequestCGI(properties = {'script_name': '/wiki'})

This change affects how the moin.cgi script is referred to in URLs when pages are constructed.

MoinMoinInstall (last edited 2009-03-28 23:12:12 by ChrisSeidel)