The following 142 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

abline   about   add   Advanced   and   Answers   Append   area   ask   attachment   average   be   bin   bioconductor   Bioconductor   brings   button   By   can   carrier   chr1   chromosome   col   Computer   curve   dashed   day   default   Density   Describe   distribution   dll   dpois   Edit   Environmental   estimating   every   examine   Example   Files   For   for   found   from   function   Gene   get   getting   given   Graphviz   Graphviz2   grey   Imagine   import   Install   integer   lambda   lambda14   left   libcdt   library   likelihood   limit   lo   loading   location   loess   lower   lty   mail   main   means   message   more   My   my   Notes   number   of   on   or   path   per   pieces   plot   png   poisson   Poisson   postal   ppois   present   Probability   probability   Problem   Program   Properties   question   range   ranges   rep   returns   right   runmed   score   scores   semicolon   set   single   smoothing   Solution   specific   surface   system   tail   The   the   then   This   to   To   track   unlist   upgrading   used   using   values   Variables   version   We   What   when   while   width   wig   Windows   windows   with   work   xlab   yeast   you   your  

Clear message

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data smoothing

loess(), runmed()

track <- import("foo.wig")

scores <- score(track)

chr1 <- track["chr1"] # limit to single chromosome

y <- rep(score(chr1), width(chr1))

x <- as.integer(unlist(ranges(chr1)))

lo <- loess(y ~ x)

Poisson Probability Example

The ppois() function from R can be used for estimating a probability.

Imagine the postal carrier brings you 14 pieces of mail on average every single day. What's the likelihood of getting 18 or more pieces of mail on a given day?

We could plot a curve using the dpois() function to examine a range of values:

plot(5:25,dpois(5:25,14), main="Poisson Probability Density", xlab="mail per day")
abline(v=18, col="grey", lty="dashed")
abline(v=14, col="grey")

By default, the ppois() function has lower.tail = TRUE. This means when you ask a question about a specific number from the poisson distribution curve, the function returns the surface area present to the left of the number. To get the surface area to the right of your number, set lower.tail = FALSE.

> ppois(18,lambda=14, lower.tail=F)
[1] 0.1173571


Problem: Bioconductor 2.6 version doesn't work with yeast. After upgrading R to 2.13 and GeneAnswers to bioconductor 2.8 Error message while loading library: libcdt-4.dll not found.

Solution: Install Graphviz, then add the location of the libcdt-4.dll to your windows path. For Windows XP, My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environmental Variables button -> Edit. Append a semicolon and the directory with the dll (on my system: C:\Program Files\Graphviz2.20\bin).

R/Notes (last edited 2014-09-01 03:27:31 by ChrisSeidel)