The following 46 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

A1   align   and   bam   barcode   barcodes   bcfile   best   bol   bowtie   can   cat   cerevisiae   convert   easy   fastq   fastx   files   follows   format   from   off   pl   prefix   quals   resulting   results   run   s6   sam   samtools   sequence   solexa   splitter   Starting   strip   suffix   the   them   Then   through   to   tools   using   view   you  

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Starting from fastq files (solexa s_n_sequence.txt files), it's easy to strip the barcode off the 5' end using fastx tools as follows:

cat ../6228VAAXX/s_6_sequence.txt | --bcfile barcodes.txt --bol --prefix s_6_ --suffix ".txt"

Then you can run the resulting files through bowtie to align them, and convert the results to bam format:

# run bowtie, -t is print time
# -k 1 match
bowtie -t s_cerevisiae -k 1 --best --solexa-quals s_6_A1.txt --sam | samtools view -S -b -o s6_A1.bam -

R/SolexaMultiplexWorkflow (last edited 2010-07-22 22:34:08 by ChrisSeidel)