The following 29 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

and   bioc   bioconductor   contents   D2   db   dbconn   dbfile   dbschema   E2   from   get   H2   If   installed   L2   library   list   Lite   load   ls   O2   of   package   S2   source   the   then   yeast2  

Clear message

If the package is not installed, then get the package from bioconductor:


load the library and list the contents of the package:

> ls("package:yeast2.db")
 [1] "yeast2"              "yeast2_dbconn"       "yeast2_dbfile"      
 [4] "yeast2_dbInfo"       "yeast2_dbschema"     "yeast2ALIAS"        
 [7] "yeast2ALIAS2PROBE"   "yeast2CHR"           "yeast2CHRLENGTHS"   
[10] "yeast2CHRLOC"        "yeast2CHRLOCEND"     "yeast2DESCRIPTION"  
[13] "yeast2ENSEMBL"       "yeast2ENSEMBL2PROBE" "yeast2ENZYME"       
[16] "yeast2ENZYME2PROBE"  "yeast2GENENAME"      "yeast2GO"           
[19] "yeast2GO2ALLPROBES"  "yeast2GO2PROBE"      "yeast2MAPCOUNTS"    
[22] "yeast2ORF"           "yeast2ORGANISM"      "yeast2ORGPKG"       
[25] "yeast2PATH"          "yeast2PATH2PROBE"    "yeast2PMID"         
[28] "yeast2PMID2PROBE"

R/Yeast2db (last edited 2010-04-15 16:34:29 by ChrisSeidel)