The following 104 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

aligned   aligner   an   Analysis   analysis   and   anders   available   be   below   between   bioconductor   biomart   Both   called   can   combination   commonly   count   counts   de   described   describes   describing   description   descriptions   differences   differential   doc   each   easy   embl   Ensembl   environment   existing   exons   expect   expression   Expression   fairly   fastq   feature   features   file   format   from   gapped   Gene   generate   go   grab   how   htseq   huber   Huber   in   integer   lab   many   microarray   need   of   one   or   overlap   package   page   put   python   ratios   reads   requires   results   Seq   sequence   similar   Specifically   standalone   straightforward   such   table   the   There   This   this   to   To   together   tool   tools   tophat   transcripts   two   use   users   using   values   very   way   ways   with   would   you   your  

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RNA Seq Analysis with DESeq

Analysis of Gene Expression with RNA Seq is fairly straightforward using commonly available tools. Specifically, a combination of a gapped aligner (tophat), the R environment and bioconductor, and the differential expression package DESeq, can be put together to generate expression differences very similar to results one would expect from a microarray analysis. This page describes how to go from sequence reads in fastq format to ratios and p-values of differential expression.

DESeq requires a table of integer counts describing features, such as transcripts or exons, and how many sequence reads overlap each feature. To generate this table, you need a description of features, and a way to count the overlap between features and your aligned reads.

There are two easy ways to do this, (1) use an existing GFF or GTF file of feature descriptions and a standalone python tool from the Huber lab called htseq-count, or (2) grab feature descriptions from Ensembl using biomart with R. Both are described below.

RNA Seq (last edited 2011-10-10 15:20:24 by ChrisSeidel)