The following 36 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

attachment   available   but   by   can   Category   cex   char   character   characters   cran   draw   Draw   easy   from   function   in   integers   key   main   of   pch   Plot   plot   png   project   remember   see   specified   Summary   symbols   them   they   to   what   xlab  

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R Plot function

Summary of R plot symbols, as specified by pch

Plot symbols (plot character: pch) in R are specified by integers 1 to 25. I can't remember them, but it's easy to draw them to see what they are.

Draw R plot characters

# draw a plot, use all 25 plot characters
# specify cex=2 so they are easier to see (cex = character expansion factor)
plot(1:25, cex=2, pch=c(1:25), xlab="pch", main="pch Summary (plot char)")

R is available from CRAN


R Plot (last edited 2007-04-19 05:40:35 by ChrisSeidel)