The following 78 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

allow   an   and   avn   awk   bar   but   can   case   commands   contents   delete   deletes   Description   destination   dir   dir1   dir2   directories   dry   ensures   exclude   file   files   flags   follows   from   give   Given   group   gz   host   in   include   interrupted   itself   later   local   locally   ls   machine   Notes   of   on   option   options   other   pattern   present   progress   Remote   remote   resume   rsync   run   size   slash   specify   sum   Summarize   sync   synchronize   syncronization   that   The   the   to   trailing   transfer   transferred   true   two   Two   useful   username   verbose   will   you  

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UNIX commands and Notes

Summarize the size of a group of gz files:

ls -l *.gz | awk '{sum += $5} END {print sum}'


Remote and local file syncronization. Given two directories dir1 and dir2, you can synchronize the contents of dir2 to dir1 as follows:

rsync -a dir1/ dir2

The trailing slash on dir1 ensures that the contents of dir1 are transferred but not dir1 itself. Two other useful flags:

rsync -avn dir1/ dir2

v = verbose, n = dry-run

rsync to a remote machine

rsync -a local_dir username@remote_host:destination_directory

-P option will give you a progress bar, and in case of an interrupted transfer will also allow you to resume later.

other options




deletes files from destination that are not present locally (true sync)


specify a pattern to include


specify a pattern to exclude

UNIX (last edited 2015-09-23 14:07:46 by ChrisSeidel)