Just tell my what the fucking conventions are and how they work! I love workflowy, but I've been ignoring much of it's functionality because there's no succinct description of the attributes. Search for "hashtags workflowy" and you get a lot of blog articles with a brief mention of using a hashtag 500 words in, with still no description.
- Hashtags in workflowy are a way to tag or categorize items.
- Adding a hashtag to an item creates a new ability - it becomes clickable and clicking on it will automatically gather all items with the tag.
- time hashtags: #thisweek, #nextweek, #twoweeks, #monday, #tuesday
- searches with multiple tags: #thismonth -#thisweek
- @mention is a another way of tagging items and adding context.
- Typically you would add @people, but you could also use these to describe location (@home, @work)